Saturday 19 November 2011

Morning Darkness

Have you ever been outside really, really early on a morning? When it's still dark and all the streetlamps are glowing orange? When there aren't even cars about anymore? When it's completely silent, not even the birds have begun singing for dawn yet?

I have. Its magical. You feel like the only person alive in the world. The moonlight shines for you alone, and you wish upon however many stars you'd like, 'cause they're all just for you. It's even better if there's been a frost since it looks like someone's taken a big glitter shaker and sprinkled it liberally all over. It glimmers under the light from the streetlamps. You get that tiny little crunch when you walk on it, such a satisfying noise, ansd you get to leave the first set of footprints.

Its wonderful. You should do it sometime. In fact, I'm off out now.

Monday 14 November 2011

Aggravatingly Concerned Texts

I got a text today from a friend. She's a fairly close friend, and she's the only one who I let follow my Tumblr (of which I'll never tell anyone else my URL) My Tumblr is for me to be me, where no one knows me in real life. That's why I have a Tumblr and a blog. So anyway, she texted me asking about something I'd posted, saying that she was worried about me.

Well guess what sunshine? My Tumblr is private from everyone else for a reason. I don't want any questions asked. I can post whatever the hell I like without people judging me or asking me about in school.

So here's the deal. I'm not going to tell you anything. I'll share what I want to share and I'll come asking for help if I bloody well want it. But until then, leave your concern at home.

Friday 11 November 2011

Amistice Day

Today in the UK, like every year, it is Armistice Day. It's also called Remembrance Day or Poppy Day, depending on where you are, but it's official name is Armistice Day. Well, according to the BBC anyway.

Today we remember all the soldiers who have fought, and still fight, for our freedom and the freedom of others. Today there was two minutes of silence throughout the whole country at 11'o'clock, to mark the deaths of these heroes. Today people wear poppies, the official symbol of remembrance for 90 years.

On this day, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918, the First World War Armistice was signed, and the guns fell silent. It was supposed to be the war to end all wars, but sadly, we know that isn't the case.So today is a time for us to respect the fallen soldiers who gave their lives in the hope that we may live.

'At the going down of the sun
And in the morning,
We will remember them'

Lest we forget, for never before have so many owed so much, to so few.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Dancing fever, High Waisted Skirts

This fine evening I watched last Saturday's Strictly Come Dancing with my parents, who had been away over the weekend on holiday and had not been able to see it. So we spent an enjoyable hour or so watching diamante dresses and sour faced judges and ridiculous marks, with some fabulous laugh out loud moments. I present one below, the lovely Russell Grant with Flavia Cacace.

How fabulous is Russell? How I love the smile he brings to my face, whatever he does, no matter how badly he dances.

Afterwards I went upstairs to do my homework, and happened to put on some Noah and the Whale. Which I then of course, couldn't help but dance to, as I find any kind of folk music impossible not to dance to. An additional plus is that I've been wearing my school skirt on my waist, with my belt rather tight, for the last few days. I felt like a bit of a change, to be quite honest. But it has the peculiar effect of making me think I look like a dainty little ballerina, when of course I just look like a rather average teenage girl, dancing in her bedroom, wearing her school skirt on her waist with a belt. Still, it makes me feel ever so pretty! Which is lovely.

Goodnight lovely reader, I will see you (not literally of course, that would be absurd) very soon.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Classy Dreams

I join you on what appears to be a rather rainy evening. Its isn't really, but the playing from my laptop makes it seem incredibly so. In fact, its just a little bit of light drizzle outside. I also have some jazz music, and a crackling fire playing through my laptop, so I'm feeling rather classy right now.

I'm not really classy at all, but I like to think that one day I'll be classy and graceful. Right now however, I'm just a teenager who freaks out about speaking to someone new because I feel quite socially awkward at heart. I'm also nerdy, obsessive about anything even remotely related to Spanish, and a huge fan-girl of various TV shows.

I also have a dream. I like to dream. My dream is that I'll be a famous writer one day. Not even J.K.Rowling status famous, just a little famous, in fact, I'd just like to be able to make enough money from writing that it becomes my job.

So there you have it, a little piece of me, a little bit of the ink from my brain, sent to you, kind reader, via a computer screen. Isn't the internet wonderful?